Injector Services

Full injector refresh service:

Useful for those attempting to diagnose engine failure, running issue, or curious about current injector condition before service:

  • Initial injector diagnostic testing, as received – Inductance, spray pattern, flow volume & other health tests performed. Results recorded.
  • Disassembly of all soft parts, removal of paint for metal body injectors, and external heated ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Removal of internal/external filters (where applicable), and pulsed internal ultrasonic cleaning, with back flush.
  • Injector testing (clean) – Inductance, spray pattern, flow volume & other health tests performed.
  • Re-assembly with applicable new soft parts – o-rings, seals, filters, and pintle caps. High temp enamel coating for metal body style injectors.
  • Sealed for medium term storage (Up to 6 months).
  • Detailed flow report included. Pictures of process available upon request.

Flow test & refresh service:

Useful for those who have purchased second hand injectors, or wish to have clean injectors to install. No pre-cleaning data provided.

  • Disassembly of all soft parts, removal of paint for metal body injectors, and external heated ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Removal of internal/external filters (where applicable), and pulsed internal ultrasonic cleaning, with back flush.
  • Injector testing (clean) – Inductance, spray pattern, flow volume & other health tests performed.
  • Re-assembly with applicable new soft parts – o-rings, seals, filters, and pintle caps. High temp enamel coating for metal body style injectors.
  • Sealed for medium term storage (Up to 6 months).
  • Detailed flow report included. Pictures of process available upon request.

Flow test service:

Useful for those who wish to simply see if injectors are a result of a running issue. Can be combined with other services if they are found to be problematic

  • Injector testing (as received) – Inductance, spray pattern, flow volume & other health tests performed.
  • Sealed for medium term storage (Up to 6 months).
  • Detailed flow report included. Pictures of process available upon request.